The current pandemic has highlighted the need for not just personal hygiene but also a community-wide hygiene approach. In the midst of this deadly pandemic, have you ever wondered what it would be like if public places—places like apartment buildings, public transit, care centers, restaurants, office complexes, schools, parks, hotels, etc.–could be held responsible for unhygienic practices and risks of spreading infection? We believe that this would foster a conscious mindset for business and facility management to rendering their business clean and safe for public use.

Sanitize USA is a social media platform where observant and caring members of the public can anonymously submit complaints and offer feedback about businesses they have recently visited. With this app, your opinion regarding their standard of hygiene and public health safety will be heard. Based on submitted information, actions will be taken to improve the situation as quickly as possible.

Our very detailed inspection includes  high standards of hygiene, indoor air quality, tab water safety and  infection prevention measures (particularly in regard to COVID-19). As your public hygienist, Sanitize USA is here to safeguard you and your family by establishing high standards of hygiene and public health safety in the public places you enjoy most.

Please use the form below to send us your concerns. It is free, confidential and only takes a minute or less of your time.

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